Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis: 4th International Conference, Ida 2001, Cascais, Portugal, September 13-15, 2001. Proceedings(English, Paperback, Douglas Fisher F Hoffmann N Adams Professor In The Department Of Statistics David J Hand Fisher Guimaraes Hoffmann Hand Adams) |
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis: 4th International Conference, Ida 2001, Cascais, Portugal, September 13-15, 2001. Proceedings(English, Paperback, Douglas Fisher F Hoffmann N Adams Professor In The Department Of Statistics David J Hand Fisher Guimaraes Hoffmann Hand Adams)

Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis: 4th International Conference, Ida 2001, Cascais, Portugal, September 13-15, 2001. Proceedings(English, Paperback, Douglas Fisher F Hoffmann N Adams Professor In The Department Of Statistics David J Hand Fisher Guimaraes Hoffmann Hand Adams)

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ThesearetheproceedingsofthefourthbiennialconferenceintheIntelligentData Analysisseries. TheconferencetookplaceinCascais, Portugal,13 15September 2001. Thethemeofthisconferenceseriesistheuseofcomputersinintelligent waysindataanalysis, includingtheexplorationofintelligentprogramsfordata analysis. Dataanalytictoolscontinuetodevelop, drivenbythecomputerrevo- tion. Methodswhichwouldhaverequiredunimaginableamountsofcomputing power, andwhichwouldhavetakenyearstoreachaconclusion, cannowbe appliedwitheaseandvirtuallyinstantly. Suchmethodsarebeingdevelopedby avarietyofintellectualcommunities, includingstatistics, arti?cialintelligence, neuralnetworks, machinelearning, datamining, andinteractivedynamicdata visualization. Thisconferenceseriesseekstobringtogetherresearchersstudying theuseofintelligentdataanalysisinthesevariousdisciplines, tostimulate- teractionsothateachdisciplinemaylearnfromtheothers. Soastoencourage suchinteraction, wedeliberatelykepttheconferencetoasingletrackmeeting. Thismeantthat, ofthealmost150submissionswereceived, wewereableto selectonly23fororalpresentationand16forposterpresentation. Inaddition tothesecontributedpapers, therewasakeynoteaddressfromDarylPregibon, invitedpresentationsfromKatharinaMorik, RolfBackhofen, andSunilRao, and aspecial datachallenge session, whereresearchersdescribedtheirattemptsto analyseachallengingdatasetprovidedbyPaulCohen. Thisacceptancerate enabledustoensureahighqualityconference, whilealsopermittingustop- videgoodcoverageofthevarioustopicssubsumedwithinthegeneralheading ofintelligentdataanalysis. Wewouldliketoexpressourthanksandappreciationtoeveryoneinvolved intheorganizationofthemeetingandtheselectionofthepapers. Itisthe behind-the-scenese?ortswhichensurethesmoothrunningandsuccessofany conference. Wewouldalsoliketoexpressourgratitudetothesponsors: Fundac, ao paraaCi enciaeaTecnologia, MinisteriodaCi enciaedaTecnologia, Faculdade deCi enciaseTecnologia, UniversidadeNovadeLisboa, Funda, c aoCalousteG- benkianandIPEInvestimentoseParticipac, oesEmpresariais, S. A. September2001 FrankHo?mann DavidJ. Hand NiallAdams GabrielaGuimaraes DougFisher Organization IDA2001wasorganizedbythedepartmentofComputerScience, NewUniversity ofLisbon. ConferenceCommittee GeneralChair: DouglasFisher(VanderbiltUniversity, USA) ProgramChairs: DavidJ. Hand(ImperialCollege, UK) NiallAdams(ImperialCollege, UK) ConferenceChair: GabrielaGuimaraes(NewUniversityofLisbon, Portugal) PublicityChair: FrankH]oppner(Univ. ofAppl. SciencesEmden, Germany) PublicationChair: FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology, Sweden) LocalChair: FernandoMoura-Pires(UniversityofEvora, Portugal) AreaChairs: RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples, Italy) ArnoSiebes(CWI, TheNetherlands) PavelBrazdil(UniversityofPorto, Portugal) ProgramCommittee NiallAdams(ImperialCollege, UK) PieterAdriaans(Syllogic, TheNetherlands) RussellAlmond(EducationalTestingService, USA) ThomasB]ack(InformatikCentrumDortmund, Germany) RiccardoBellazzi(UniversityofPavia, Italy) MichaelBerthold(Tripos, USA) LiuBing(NationalUniversityofSingapore) PaulCohen(UniversityofMassachusetts, USA) PaulDarius(LeuvenUniversity, Belgium) FazelFamili(NationalResearchCouncil, Canada) DouglasFisher(VanderbiltUniversity, USA) KarlFroeschl(UniversityofVienna, Austria) AlexGammerman(RoyalHolloway, UK) AdolfGrauel(UniversityofPaderborn, Germany) GabrielaGuimaraes(NewUniversityofLisbon, Portugal) LawrenceO. Hall(UniversityofSouthFlorida, USA) FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology, Sweden) AdeleHowe(ColoradoStateUniversity, USA) Klaus-PeterHuber(SASInstitute, Germany) DavidJensen(UniversityofMassachusetts, USA) JoostKok(LeidenUniversity, TheNetherlands) RudolfKruse(UniversityofMagdeburg, Germany) FrankKlawonn(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden, Germany) VIII Organization HansLenz(FreeUniversityofBerlin, Germany) DavidMadigan(Soliloquy, USA) RainerMalaka(EuropeanMediaLaboratory, Germany) HeikkiMannila(Nokia, Finland) FernandoMouraPires(UniversityofEvora, Portugal) SusanaNascimento(UniversityofLisbon, Portugal) WayneOldford(UniversityofWaterloo, Canada) AlbertPrat(TechnicalUniversityofCatalunya, Spain) PeterProtzel(TechnicalUniversityChemnitz, Germany) GiacomodellaRiccia(UniversityofUdine, Italy) RosannaSchiavo(UniversityofVenice, Italy) KaisaSere(AboAkademiUniversity, Finland) RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples, Italy) RosariaSilipo(Nuance, USA) FloorVerdenius(ATO-DLO, TheNetherlands) StefanWrobel(UniversityofMagdeburg, Germany) HuiXiaoLiu(BrunelUniversity, UK) NevinZhang(HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology, HongKong) SponsoringInstitutions Fundac, aoparaaCi enciaeaTecnologia, MinisteriodaCi enciaedaTecnologia FaculdadedeCi enciaseTecnologia, UniversidadeNovadeLisboa Fundac, aoCalousteGulbenkian IPEInvestimentoseParticipac, oesEmpresariais, S. A. TableofContents TheFourthInternationalSymposiumonIntelligentData Analysis FeatureCharacterizationinScienti?cDatasets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ElizabethBradley(UniversityofColorado), NancyCollins(University ofColorado), W. PhilipKegelmeyer(SandiaNationalLaboratories) RelevanceFeedbackintheBayesianNetworkRetrievalModel: AnApproachBasedonTermInstantiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 LuisM. deCampos(UniversityofGranada), JuanM. Fernan dez Luna (UniversityofJaen), JuanF. Huete(UniversityofGranada) GeneratingFuzzySummariesfromFuzzyMultidimensionalDatabases. . . . 24 AnneLaurent(UniversitePierreetMarieCurie) AMixture-of-ExpertsFrameworkforLearningfromImbalancedData Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 AndrewEstabrooks(IBM), NathalieJapkowicz(UniversityofOttawa) PredictingTime-VaryingFunctionswithLocalModels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 AchimLewandowski(ChemnitzUniversity), PeterProtzel(Chemnitz University) BuildingModelsofEcologicalDynamicsUsingHMMBasedTemporal DataClustering APreliminaryStudy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 CenLi(TennesseeStateUniversity), GautamBiswas(Vanderbilt University), MikeDale(Gri?thUniversity), PatDale(Gri?th University) TaggingwithSmallTrainingCorpora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 NunoC. Marques(UniversidadeAberta), GabrielPereiraLopes (Centria) ASearchEngineforMorphologicallyComplexLanguages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 UdoHahn(Universit]atFreiburg), MartinHoneck(Universitat ]sklinikum Freiburg), StefanSchulz(Universitat ]sklinikumFreiburg) ErrorsDetectionandCorrectioninLargeScaleDataCollecting. . . . . . . . . . 84 RenatoBruni(UniversitadiRoma), AntonioSassano(Universitadi Roma) X TableofContents ANewFrameworktoAssessAssociationRules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 FernandoBerzal(UniversityofGranada), IgnacioBlanco(University ofGranada), DanielSanchez(UniversityofGranada), Mar?a-AmparoVila(UniversityofGranada) CommunitiesofInterest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 CorinnaCortes(AT&TShannonResearchLabs), DarylPregibon (AT&TShannonResearchLabs), ChrisVolinsky(AT&TShannon ResearchLabs) AnEvaluationofGradingClassi?ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 AlexanderK. Seewald(AustrianResearchInstituteforArti?cial Intelligence), JohannesFur ]nkranz(AustrianResearchInstitutefor Arti?cialIntelligence) FindingInformativeRulesinIntervalSequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 FrankH]oppner(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden), FrankKlawonn(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden) Correlation-BasedandContextualMerit-BasedEnsembleFeature Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 SeppoPuuronen(UniversityofJyv]askyl]a), AlexeyTsymbal(University ofJyv]askyl]a), IrynaSkrypnyk(UniversityofJyvas ]kyl]a) NonmetricMultidimensionalScalingwithNeuralNetworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 MichielC. vanWezel(UniversiteitLeiden), WalterA. Kosters (UniversiteitLeiden), PetervanderPutten(UniversiteitLeiden), JoostN. Kok(UniversiteitLeiden) FunctionalTreesforRegression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Joao Gama(UniversityofPorto) DataMiningwithProductsofTrees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 JoseTomeA. S. Ferreira(ImperialCollege), DavidG. T. Denison (ImperialCollege), DavidJ. Hand(ImperialCollege) 3 SBagging: FastClassi?erInductionMethodwithSubsamplingand Bagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 MasahiroTerabe(MitshibishiResearchInstitute, Inc. ), TakashiWashio (I. S. I. R., OsakaUnivers