Animal Farm(English, Paperback, Orwell George)
Quick Overview
Both controversial and belief shattering, Animal Farm by George Orwell is one of the most acclaimed books of the World War period with its shocking satire of the Soviet Union. Summary Of The Book Animal Farm is one of the most controversial yet acclaimed books and is a devastating critique of the Soviet Union regime. The book details ignorance, wickedness, greed, indifference and myopia as factors contributing to corrupt and despotic leadership. Animal Farm is a biting satire of the Soviet Union using the disguise of a beast fable. All farm animals are called together by the boar Old Major where he denounces parasitic humans and teaches them a song of rebellion. Thereafter, the pigs Napoleon and Snowball take command after his death and start preparations for their rebellion. Mr. Jones is driven away and there are seven Animalism commandments that all farm inmates have to follow. Napoleon and Snowball teach these principles, writing and reading while the farm becomes a self-sustaining one. Slowly, these pigs start keeping special eatables for themselves and become embroiled in a power struggle. Animal Farm is a satirical depiction of the rebellion of farm animals against their own human masters. However, their slogan of equality changes towards the end. A committee of pigs start ruling the farm and Napoleon eventually establishes his own tyranny over all other animals. The pigs establish their slogan where some animals are more equal than others. There is also the battle against neighboring farmer Mr. Frederick which threatens to destabilise their independence. At the end, the other animals cannot distinguish between the ruler pigs and humans. Animal Farm is the historical account of a revolution gone wrong and of the excuses that were presented at every juncture. It is a bitter attack on the Stalinist regime which allied with Britain at the time. The book was refused by a variety of publishers owing to its controversial content; it was first published in Britain in 1945. Animal Farm has sold millions of copies across the world since then. About George Orwell George Orwell was a famous British journalist, and novelist. His real name was Eric Arthur Blair. George Orwell also wrote A Clergyman’s Daughter, Burmese Days, Coming Up For Air, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Homage to Catalonia, Down and Out in Paris and London and The Road to Wigan Pier. George Orwell is known for astounding clarity and biting satire in his works. He had a deep awareness of social injustice and democratic socialism. He also stood steadfast against totalitarianism of any kind. His work still influences contemporary political culture and has given rise to the term Orwellian. George Orwell was born in Motihari, Bihar on 25 June 1903. He also taught at The Hawthorns High School and Frays College in Uxbridge. Orwell also attended Eton College and wrote a literary critique of Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw. He is also known for his Defense of P.G. Wodehouse, the 1945 essay which directly accused The Ministry of Information.