botanic garden Combo of Chamomile,tea tree,Eucalyptus oil for vaginal infections-10ml each(30 ml)
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EucalyptusEucalyptus globulusProduct Description•Origin : South Africa, Australia andWorldwideNote : Top NotePart used : Leaves & BranchesExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Very fresh cool and lemonyBlends•Product DescriptionNative to Tasmania and New South Wales in Australia, the tree wasfirst recorded in Tasmania in 1792 and the oil was first distilled in Australiain the 1850s. By the turn of the 20th century, the Tasmanian Eucalyptus Oilcompany was the most highly respected supplier. The tree has beenexported to many areas north and south of the Mediterranean andelsewhere in the world.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Respiratory Infections - Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Catarrh.• Urinary Infections - Cysts and Parasitic Infection.• Pains - Muscular Aches, Arthritis.Tea TreeMelaleuca alternifoliaProduct Description•Origin : Australia and South AfricaNote : Top NotePart used : LeavesExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Fresh, Warm, MildlyPenetrating Aroma•Native to Australia but now grown commercially elsewhere. Theaboriginal people of Australia have used the medicinal properties of tea treesfor untold millennia. Findings of its medicinal properties were firstpresented to the scientific community by an Australian government scientistin 1923. Tea tree oil was so valued by the 1940s that cutters and producerswere exempted from military service during the Second World War. Untilsufficient supplies were available to provide all military personnel with apersonal supply in their first aid kits.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Skin - Acne, Pimples, Wounds, Ringworm, Head Lice, Warts.Chamomile German/BlueMatricaria RecutitaProduct Description•Origin : EgyptNote : Middle notePart used : FlowersExtraction : Steam distillationAroma : Fruity herbal Aroma•Chamomile herb is dried before distillation and the blue colour is dueto Chamazulene being produced during the distillation process. The nameMatricaria comes from the Latin word "matrix" meaning "womb" becauseof the plant's widespread use by women for gynaecological conditions andduring childbirth. Chamomile German has feathery leaves and blue daisylikeflowers with yellow centres.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Skin conditions - sunburn, wounds, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, Acne,spots, chilblains.• Pain relief - arthritis, neuralgia, menstrual cramps and abdominal cramps.