botanic garden Combo of Lavender,Geranium, Chamomile Essential oil for Sunburn-10ml each(30 ml)
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LavenderLavandula angustifoliaProduct Description•Origin : Bulgaria, FranceNote : Top to middle NotePart used : FlowerExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Floral sweet smooth aroma•The word lavender is derived from the Latin word lavera, “to wash”because the Romans used flowers in their baths. The ancient Greeks,Persians and Romans burnt lavender in rooms where people were sick.Today lavender is grown in many countries, each version having somewhatdifferent properties. The plant is harvested in mid-summer, left to dry for acouple of days to maximize the aroma, and then distilled.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Skin - Itching, Wounds, Infections, Cuts, Rashes.• Eczema, Psoriasis Sunburn, Burns, Acne, Pimples, Insect Bites.• Stress related Conditions - Insomnia, Anxiety, Panic, Headache.GeraniumPelargonium GraveolensProduct Description•Origin : EgyptNote : Middle NotePart used : Leaves and TopsExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Rich leafy sweet rose likearoma•Plant with shapely, finely divided, deeply cut leaves with a cluster ofsmall pink flowers. The essential oil is distilled from the aromatic, freshlycut young plant tops. The plant material can be left in the field to partiallydry before distilled so the fragrances are more intense. The final aroma candepend on the variety being distilled as well as the age of the leaves andstems being distilled. The essential oil is concentrated in the young growthand will turn from a lemony rose to a rose-type aroma when crushed.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Female Reproductive Disorders - Menstrual Cramps.• Haemorrhoids, Varicose Veins.• Skin Related Disorders.• Stress-related Conditions.Chamomile German/BlueMatricaria RecutitaProduct Description•Origin : EgyptNote : Middle notePart used : FlowersExtraction : Steam distillationAroma : Fruity herbal Aroma•Chamomile herb is dried before distillation and the blue colour is dueto Chamazulene being produced during the distillation process. The nameMatricaria comes from the Latin word "matrix" meaning "womb" becauseof the plant's widespread use by women for gynaecological conditions andduring childbirth. Chamomile German has feathery leaves and blue daisylikeflowers with yellow centres.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Skin conditions - sunburn, wounds, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, Acne,spots, chilblains.• Pain relief - arthritis, neuralgia, menstrual cramps and abdominal cramps