botanic garden Rose,Rosemary,Lavender,Jasmine sambac,tea tree essential oil-10ml each(50 ml)
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Jasminum SambacJasminum sambac (Mogra)Product Description•Origin : IndiaNote : Middle NotePart used : FlowerExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Rich floral aroma•Jasminum sambac is a small shrub or vine growing up to 0.5 to 3 m(1.6 to 9.8 ft) in height. It is widely cultivated for its attractive and sweetlyfragrant flowers. The flowers may be used as a fragrant ingredient inperfumes and jasmine tea. In India, this flower is known as "Mogra". It isthe national flower of the Philippines, where it is known as Sampaguita, aswell as being one of the three national flowers of Indonesia, where it isknown as melatiputih.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Nervous Tension. • Antiseptic.• Aphrodisiac. • Stress, Anxiety, Depression.• Menstrual Cramps, Abdominal Spasm.RoseRosa damascena MillProduct Description•Origin : Bulgaria, Morocco, TurkeyNote : Middle NotePart used : PetalsExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Sweet Floral Aroma•Eighty percent of rose essential oil comes from Kazanlak Valley inBulgaria, where rose growing was introduced in the 17th century it takesmillions of rose petals to produce just a few fluid ounces of this highlyprized essential oil. The roses are handpicked very early in the morning anddistilled immediately. Harvesting in between May and June when the air inthe valley is redolent with the aroma of rose and the distillers are workingnight and day to process the roses while they still retain their essential oil.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Mind Related Conditions - Depression, Anxiety, Tension, Phobia.• Female Reproductive Disorder - Menstrual Problems (Dysmenorrhea,Endometriosis).• Skin - Acne, Skin Hydration, Scarring, Premature Ageing.LavenderLavandula angustifoliaProduct Description•Origin : Bulgaria, FranceNote : Top to middle NotePart used : FlowerExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Floral sweet smooth aroma•The word lavender is derived from the Latin word lavera, “to wash”because the Romans used flowers in their baths. The ancient Greeks,Persians and Romans burnt lavender in rooms where people were sick.Today lavender is grown in many countries, each version having somewhatdifferent properties. The plant is harvested in mid-summer, left to dry for acouple of days to maximize the aroma, and then distilled.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Skin - Itching, Wounds, Infections, Cuts, Rashes.• Eczema, Psoriasis Sunburn, Burns, Acne, Pimples, Insect Bites.• Stress related Conditions - Insomnia, Anxiety, Panic, Headache.RosemaryRosmarinus officinalisProduct Description•Origin : Spain, Morocco or TunisiaNote : Middle NotePart used : LeavesExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Strong, Fresh, Woody-Herbaceous•Rosemary oil is obtained by steam distillation of twigs and freshleaves. The rosemary essential oil has been hailed since ancient times for itsmedicinal properties. It is a good source of iron, calcium and vitamins A, Cand B-6. Traditionally rosemary oil was used to help alleviate muscle pain,improve memory, boost immune and circulatory systems, skin problems andpromote hair growth. The rosemary essential oil is a rich source ofantioxidants, anti-diabetic, anti-mutagenic, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxygenic,antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective.•Therapeutic uses and properties• skin- Acne, Pimples, Dandruff, Hair Loss, Cellulite, Boils.• Respiratory Conditions - Sinus Congestion.• Pain - Muscular Aches and Pains, Arthritis, Headache, Migraine.• Removes fluid Retention.Tea TreeMelaleuca alternifoliaProduct Description•Origin : Australia and South AfricaNote : Top NotePart used : LeavesExtraction : Steam DistillationAroma : Fresh, Warm, MildlyPenetrating Aroma•Native to Australia but now grown commercially elsewhere. Theaboriginal people of Australia have used the medicinal properties of tea treesfor untold millennia. Findings of its medicinal properties were firstpresented to the scientific community by an Australian government scientistin 1923. Tea tree oil was so valued by the 1940s that cutters and producerswere exempted from military service during the Second World War. Untilsufficient supplies were available to provide all military personnel with apersonal supply in their first aid kits.•Therapeutic uses and properties• Skin - Acne, Pimples, Wounds, Ringworm, Head Lice, Warts.