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Syllabus Building Material and Construction - (312338) Learning Scheme CreditsAssessment Scheme Actual Contact Hrs./Week SLH NLH Paper Duration Theory Based on LL & TL Based on SL Total Marks CL TL LLPractical FA-THSA-THTotalFA-PRSA-PRSLA MaxMaxMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMin 3-238433070100402510--2510150 Sr. No.Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO's) aligned to CO's.Learning content mapped with Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. 1.TLO 1.1 Classify the given type of material used in the given building structure. TLO 1.2 Classify the given construction material according to its sources with examples. TLO 1.3 Propose the relevant natural construction material for the given situation. TLO 1.4 Suggest the relevant type of artificial material for the given type of construction work. TLO 1.5 Classify the buildings using NBC guidelines.Unit - I Overview of construction Materials 1.1 Scope of construction materials in various Civil Engineering Sectors. 1.2 Broad classification of materials - Sources of materials, Natural, Artificial - special, finishing and recycled. 1.3 Natural Building construction Materials - Stone, Timber, Soil, Sand and Coarse Aggregates, Bitumen : Types and uses. (IKS-Materials used in Ancient Buildings-Stone , Lime). 1.4 Artificial Building Construction Materials - Cement, Clay Brick, Flooring Tiles, Concrete Blocks, Plywood, particle board, Veneers, laminated board and Glass : Types and uses. 1.5 Introduction to National Building Code-Part III (2005) Group A to I As per Types of Constructions - Load Bearing Structures, Framed Structures, Composite Structures. (Chapter - 1) 2.TLO 2.1 Describe the method used for water proofing in the given situation. TLO 2.2 Justify the use of fibers in given situation. TLO 2.3 Enumerate the importance of geopolymer cement in construction. Unit - II Special Purpose Building Construction Materials 2.1 Special Building Construction Materials - Waterproofing, Termite proofing, Thermal and sound insulating : Types and suitability. 2.2 Fibers - Jute, Glass, Plastic Asbestos Fibers : Types and uses 2.3 Geopolymer cement : Geo-cement : properties and applications. (Chapter - 2) 3.TLO 3.1 Explain the roles and functions of given building components in civil structure TLO 3.2 Describe the process of earthwork excavation for given construction activity. TLO 3.3 Suggest relevant materials used for formwork in the given situation. TLO 3.4 Justify the type of foundation proposed in the given situation with its salient features. TLO 3.5 Undertake the construction of stone masonry in given situation. TLO 3.6 Undertake the construction of Brick masonry in given situation. TLO 3.7 Justify the necessity of scaffolding in construction.Unit - III Construction of Substructure & Superstructure 3.1 Building Components : Building Components & their Function : Substructure, Superstructure. 3.2 Earthwork : Excavation For Foundation, Timbering and Strutting Earthwork for Embankment Material for Plinth Filling. 3.3 Formwork : Definition, Requirements, Materials used, Types and Removal of Formwork. 3.4 Foundation : Functions, Types : Shallow Foundation-Stepped Footing, Wall Footing, Column Footing, Isolated and Combined Column Footing, Raft Foundation. Deep Foundation-Pile Foundation, Well foundation and Caissons, Pumping Methods of Dewatering, Deep wells, Cofferdams. 3.5 Stone Masonry : Terms used in stone masonry - facing, backing, hearting, through stone, corner stone, cornice. Type of stone masonry : Rubble masonry, Ashlar Masonry and their types. Selection of Stone Masonry. Precautions to be observed in Stone Masonry Construction. (IKS - Ancient heritage building-stone masonry work). 3.6 Brick masonry : Terms used in brick masonry- header, stretcher, closer, quoins, course, face, back, hearting, bat bond, joints, lap, frog, line, level and plumb. Bonds in brick masonry-header bond, stretcher bond, English bond and Flemish bond. Requirements of good brick masonry. Precautions to be observed in Brick Masonry Construction, Comparison between stone masonry and Brick Masonry, Tools and plants required for construction of stone masonry and brick masonry. 3.7 Scaffolding, Shoring and Underpinning : Necessity, types, application. Process of Erection and Dismantling. (Chapters - 3) 4.TLO 4.1 Classify the given types of doors based on its location, material used and dimension. TLO 4.2 Classify the relevant types of windows based on location, material and dimension. TLO 4.3 Select the relevant type of fixtures with fastener for fixing the given type of door or window. TLO 4.4 Classify the staircase on the basis of its shape and material use. TLO 4.5 Suggest the type of staircase for the given situation.Unit - IV Building Communication 4.1 Horizontal Communication : Doors - Components of Doors, Types of Doors : Fully Paneled Doors, Partly Paneled and Glazed Doors, Flush Doors, Collapsible Doors, Rolling Shutters, Revolving Doors, Glazed Doors. Sizes of Door recommended by BIS. 4.2 Windows : Component of windows, Types of Windows : Fully Paneled, Partly Paneled and Glazed, Wooden, Steel, Aluminum Windows, Sliding Windows. Sizes of Windows recommended by BIS and Ventilators. 4.3 Fixtures and fastenings for doors and windows. 4.4 Vertical Communication - Stair Case, Ramps, Lift, Elevator and Escalators. Terms used in staircase, Types of staircases-Straight, doglegged, open well, Circular, Quarter turn. Calculation of no of flight/s, dimensions of rise and trade. (Chapter - 4) 5.TLO 5.1 Suggest relevant type of flooring material for given situation. TLO 5.2 Explain the procedure for laying and Construction of floor. TLO 5.3 Describe the Procedure of Plastering of given thickness. TLO 5.4 Select the relevant type of paint for the given surface area of the building.Unit - V Building Finishes 5.1 Types of Floor Finishes, laying process and its suitability-Shahabad, Kota, Marble, Granite, Kadappa, Ceramic Tiles, Vitrified, Pavement Blocks, Concrete Floors, wooden Flooring, Skirting And Dado. 5.2 Plastering - Necessity, Procedure, Single Coat and Double Coat Plaster, rough finish, Neeru Finishing and POP. 5.3 Special Plasters - Stucco Plaster, sponge finish, pebble finish. Plaster Board And Wall Claddings. 5.4 Painting - Necessity, Surface Preparation for painting, Methods of Application, Selecting Suitable Painting Material. (Chapter - 5)