Quick Overview
Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Attack (CAD-n-HA), as “number one killer of mankind” excites as much scare and awe as cancer does. These “two major killers” have one thing in common: Their mystifying demeanor baffles doctors and patients alike. Through our book on cancer, we could show that patients can be as (ignorant and) knowledgeable as doctors. Ivan Illich introduced our book as follows: “This is the first book that puts the layman into the position to use expert advice rather than be used by the expert.” This is an attempt at helping a lay person (and her/his learned doctor) arrive at a perspectival understanding of heart attack and allied disorders.Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Attack, high blood pressure, stroke, peripheral vascular disease are variations of a single theme - the unfolding of the biology of human arteries through the passage of time, called aging. None of the above entities occurs as single, isolated, or well-defined entity in any human being. All the four diseases listed above occur in varying proportions in one and the same person. That is why they are sometimes grouped under the generic name of blood vessel disease.The cardinal saving grace of any form of blood vessel disease is that for so long and so often it can be silent; medical men call it asymptomatic. The corollary is that the presence of a vascular disease does not necessarily dis-ease the owner. The sub corollary is that all that modern medicine can do is to ease, whatever and whenever dis-eases.This book is to appraise the lay and the learned about some leading biological features that allow the patient and the physician to make the most of modern medicine, vis-à-vis heart attack and allied disorders.