CRGO Dill® Seeds-XLA-122 Seed(40 per packet)
Quick Overview
GROWING GUIDE FOR DILL SEEDSPLANTING INSTRUCTIONSSow Dill seeds about 2-3 inches deep in rich soil. The temperature of the soil must range between 22 to 28°C(71 to 84°F).Dill is not the best plant to be grown after transplanting. So it is suggested to directly sow the seeds fresh in the garden in early summer with protection from too strong winds.Dill also requires regular trimming and plenty of natural sunlight. Remember not to plant Dill seeds near fennel or carrots.Dill can be a great companion plant for cabbage or onion. Seeds will germinate with 15 to 20 days depending on the soil temperature.GROWING REQUIREMENTSPESTS & DISEASESWhiteflies, aphids, spider mites, and thrips are some of the common pests that can affect peppermint plant.SOILUse well-drained & moist soil with pH ranging between 6 to 7.SPOTPick a sunny spot for Dill in pots, containers or raised gardens and allow the plant to receive plenty of natural light.TEMPERATUREUntil germination, Peppermint plant thrives at a high temperature ranging between 22 to 25 °C(71 to 77°F) and after root development, the temperatures can be lowered to 19 to 24°C(65 to 75°F)WATERINGAll varieties of mint including peppermint prefer adequately moist growing medium. Watering frequency depends upon the surrounding growing conditions. For example, in case the seeds are sown in a dry area, watering every day is recommended. You can figure out the required watering frequency by checking the quality of potting soil.HOW TO HARVESTThe best way to use dill is to use fresh dill leaves and flowers directly from the gardens.Harvest dill in the mornings for better flavors and to minimize the loss due to shatteringYou can also dry or microwave dill herb for longer shelf life.