Dalits In 21st Century(English, Hardcover, Jamanadas K)
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Dalits are those untouchables, whofollowed Ambedkar and Harijans arethose who followed Gandhi. Historyof India is really the history of conflictamong the Buddhists and theBrahminists for centuries. Thecreation of untouchability is thereligious persecution of the Buddhistsby the Brahmins. History of castesystem, creation of untouchability andits results are not very pleasant for theIndians. A country spreading toAfghanistan having only twolanguages and one script is dividedinto numerous warring regions withdiverse cultures. The ills of castesystem and measures to annihilate itwere propagated by Ambedkar asearly as 1936, but nobody paid heed toit. It must be realised that castediscrimination caused ruin of thecountry in the past and can do moreharm in future if not corrected. Theseare the issues, this book attempts toaddress.K. Jamanadas (b. 1932) is a retiredsurgeon, FRCS (UK) and graduate inAncient Indian History, Culture andArchaeology. He was a Member ofBoard of Studies in History for sixyears in Nagpur University. He is awell-known Ambedkarite and writerof many books, including TirupatiBalaji was a Buddhist Shrine, Declineand Fall of Buddhism, Devadasis:Ancient to Modern, Maratha Revoltagainst Brahminism, and Materialismin Ancient India.