Digital Design - With an Introduction to Verilog HDL 5th Edition(English, Paperback, Mano M. Morris)
Quick Overview
Digital Design: With An Introduction to the Verilog HDL 5th Edition, authored by Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, is a comprehensive and updated text on digital design. The book teaches the learner basic concepts of digital design in a clear and accessible manner. It also contains the basic tools for the design of digital circuits. It even provides procedures that are suitable for a variety of digital applications. About Pearson Pearson is one of the biggest education companies in the world. Their books help in facilitating the education of 100 million people worldwide. They cover a wide spectrum of subjects including: business, technology, sciences, law and the humanities. Their books and resources help students learn, teachers teach and professionals evolve through their career. Pearson has designed their learning tools in a way that will help people expand their knowledge, develop skills and know their potential.