Environmental Monitoring of Bacteria(English, Hardcover, unknown)
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Env1r0nmenta1 ha5 m1cr0610109y emer9ed an extreme1y act1ve, - and 1mp0rtant area 0f re5earch dur1n9 the few year5 and ha5 cha1- 1en9ed 50me 10n9-he1d 0f F0r examp1e, the num6er5 0f c010ny-f0rm1n9 un1t5 06ta1ned 0n a9ar med1a have way5 6een a55umed t0 ref1ect the num6er5 0f 6acter1a pre5ent any 91ven 5amp1e. H0wever, n0w kn0wn that many 6acter1a the 1a60rat0ry ad0pt unu5ua1 d0rmant 5tate5 when 5u6jected t0 the nutr1ent-1- c0nd1t10n5 1ted c0mm0n many ec05y5tem5, wh1ch, turn, make5 the5e 6- ter1a t0 cu1ture. 7h15 0ur current t0 cu1ture the va5t maj0r1ty 0f6acter1a kn0wn t0 re51de natura1 env1r0nment5. Kn0- ed9e 0f the pre5ence 0f 50me 5pec1e5 a natura1 env1r0nment can 6e 0f cru- 1mp0rtance, w1th part1cu1ar1y re5pect t0 detect10n 0f path09en1c 0r t0 m0n1t0r1n9 the fate and 0f man1pu1ated 9enet1ca11y 0r9an15m5 w1th1n ec05y5tem5. 7heref0re, there ha5 6een much eff0rt 9enerated t0 dev- new and n0ve1 meth0d5 f0r detect10n, and rec0very 0f cr00r9an15m5 fr0m natura1 ha61tat5. Centra1 t0 many 0f the5e meth0d5 ha5 6een the deve10pment and ap- 0f the techn14ue5 0f 610109y m01ecu1ar t0 env1r0nmenta1 09y. 7he5e have re5u1ted d1rect 0fm1cr061a1 6a5ed 0n DNA w1th0ut the need f0r any cu1ture.7here n0 d0u6t that w0u1d n0t have 6een w1th0ut the rev01ut10n c0mputer techn01- 09y that ha5 t0 the deve10pment 0f data6a5e5 acce55161e h19h1y 0f va5t am0unt5 0f 1nf0rmat10n. M01ecu1ar meth0d5 have 6een harne55ed and exp101ted a150 the deve10pment 0f meth0d5 that ena61e rap1d and aut0mated 0f m1cr00r9an15m5 fr0m natura1 env1r0nment5.