Gopal Das Neeraj Sahitya Sansthan ka Sajha Kavy Sangrah(Paperback, Neeraj Vatika)
Quick Overview
"The first shared poetry collection of Gopaldas Neeraj Sahitya Sansthan "Neeraj Vatika" is presented to you. Writing about this collection which has incorporated various genres, colours and fragrance in the pen is not so easy, it is just an effort.Where our social, economic and political situation has changed very rapidly, even in such a difficult period, writers have consciously understood the feelings and thoughts of others at their level and written in many genres.Poetry - This is the structure of poetry, which tells a story in a lyrical arrangement. Poetry is a type of literature which is usually written in Padm in which figurative language is used. The form of poetry is organized by the combination of both words and meaning. Poetry or Kavita Padm is that genre of literature in which a story or emotion is expressed artistically through a language."