Hanman Nutritions Chia Seeds Weight Loss Organic Chia Seeds for Skin Raw Superfood with Fiber Chia Seeds(500 g)
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Chia Seeds may be tiny in appearance but contain massive amounts of fibre and Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, and calcium. Chia seeds are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet Protein is the most weight loss friendly and can drastically reduce appetite and craving Chia seeds are high in protein and fiber, both of which have been shown to aid weight loss. Chia seeds are high in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. All of these nutrients are essential for bone health They are versatile and can easily be incorporated into your daily diet. Chia Seeds 500gChia seed is an excellent source of fibers, protein, antioxidants, omega3, vitamins& minerals. chia seeds are one of the most nutritious foods on the planetFIBER FILLED: Being a rich source of fiber, chia seeds provide a feeling of fullness and helps in preventing binge-eatingHEART HEALTH: Omega Fats are one of the healthiest fats that your body requires for reducing the cholesterol levels and protecting the heart healthANTIOXIDANT RICH: Being a rich source of antioxidants, they can help prevent premature ageing of skin caused due to free radical damageDIET SNACKS FOR WEIGHT LOSS: Our fiber rich Chia seeds are not only helps in weight loss, but can also be helpful in improving digestionIMMUNITY BOOSTER: One of the most important nutrient required for boosting immunity is antioxidants. Daily consumption of 2 teaspoon chia seeds mixed with water can help in boosting your immunity system.