Herbalife Nutrition WEIGHT LOSS FORMULA 1 MANGO SHAKE SHAKEMATE PROTEIN POWDER 200GM AFRESH GINGER Protein Shake(0.7 g, mango shake, afresh ginger, shakemate, protein powder 200gm)
Quick Overview
"Formula 1 Nutritional Shake mix makes a great tasting shake, specifically formulated with all necessary quality soy protein isolate, as Nutritional Food product for nutritional requirements. Packed with vitamins & minerals along with natural herbs, antioxidants and dietary fiber, it provides desired protein and nutrition without overloading unnecessary fat and calories. One serving of Formula 1 shake mix provides 90 kcals of energy. Enjoy Formula 1 shakes once or twice a day along with portion controlled nutrition and exercise to help towards Losing Weight, Energy and Fitness Management and keeping the body fit. Formula 1 Nutritional shake mixes are tested for Glycemic index (GI) and test result confirms it as low GI*F1 Nutritional shake mixes are tested for low GI by Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore. It Is Available in 7 Exciting Flavors like Kulfi, Mango, Strawberry, French Vanilla, Dutch Chocolate, Orange Cream and Banana Caramel Flavor. "