I Am The Gate + Singing Silence(Hardcover, Osho)
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Singing Silence Oshointroduces the spirit of Sufism in a unique way: A Sufi need not be aMohammedan. A Sufi can exist anywhere in any form - because Sufism is theessential core of all religions. Sufism makes a religion vibrant. Sufismsimply means a love affair with God with the ultimate a love affair with thewhole. It means that one is ready to dissolve into one's heart. It knows noformality it is not confined by any dogma doctrine creed or church. Christ isa Sufi so is Mohammad. Krishna is a Sufi so is Buddha. This is the first thingyou should remember. That Sufism is the innermost core - as Zen is as Hassidismis. These are only different names of the same ultimate relationship with God.This book elucidates Osho's views on Sufism garnered from his lectures; but more than that it helps inunderstanding Osho's philosophy towards life and religion. I Am The Gate I have known that which joins all. You may call it self-realization. I will not. I will call it no-self realization because this is the essence of all realizations. This is no-selfness. I think you understand what I mean...Always listen to that which has not been said but indicated. There are things which cannot be said but shown indicated. All that is deep and all that is ultimate can only be shown and never said. And I am saying things which cannot be said.