Lest We Forget(English, Hardcover, Blunt Bryan T)
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It is known that those who fought and won World War II were part of the GreatestGeneration, yet so much of what really made them so great, aside from theirincredible military victory, has been forgotten with the passage of time and theloss of generational perspective.In a narrated journey of a Midwestern boy, Author, beginning in 1920, BryanT. Blunt shares a fascinating glimpse into how the Greatest Generation lived,as well as an assessment, commentary, review, and synopsis of what made thatgeneration great across so many families. As he invites others into the world ofAlbert, Lena, Lola Belle, Art, and a host of other unsung heroes from a historicgeneration, Blunt follows Author’s coming-of-age journey, one in which rightdoctrine, matured through poverty, personal loss, and the Great Depression ledhim to become a man who made a diff erence in his corner of the world. Bluntthen addresses how that generation rose to such greatness, and he off ers a pathto begin turning the contemporary slide of generational distinction back towardthat which was last seen in the Greatest Generation.Lest We Forget shares the biography of a Greatest Generation American andprovides an inspiring perspective on how a return to values once held wouldbenefi t modern society and generations to come.