Liquid Film Coating(English, Paperback, unknown)
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In spite of all the activity in coating process wide range of available methods or to invent a research, there is no preceding comprehensive new one. Then, of course, the details of the text that summarizes results obtained in various coatingequipmentmustbespecifiedanddesigned, placesaroundtheworldandpublishedindifferent and feasibility of the process selected must be technicaljournals. Inparticular,thereisnosingle demonstrated for a desired range of operating textthatsystematicallyinterpretsallthe physical conditions. For anexistingproduct,on theother mechanisms that control coating processes, and hand, the most pressing issues are often to that explains implications ofscientific principles expand the range of successful operation, for on industrial coating applications. This is not to instance to higher coating speeds, thinner wet saythatnobooksorreviewsoncoatingtechnology layers, or more layers coated simultaneously; to have been written in the past.However, they all eliminate coating imperfections or defects that focus oneithercoatingequipment(Higgins 1965; degrade product quality; and to increase the Booth 1970; Weiss 1977; Satas 1984); on just a yield, or the fraction ofsalable material from an fewparticularcoatingmethods(Middleman 1977; entire lot coated. Coating engineers, together Ruschak 1985);oronparticularaspectsofcoating with formulation chemists, also respond to technology such as numerical methods (Kistler never-endingquests to improve the performance and Scriven 1983), process control (Frost and ofthe final products which, in some instances in Gutoff 1991), or wettability (Blake 1984; Berg very subtle ways and in others to a significant 1993). The recent volumes edited by Cohen and extent, depend on careful control of the micro- Gutoff(1992)and Benkreira(1993)emergedfrom structure or surface properties imparted on the shortcourseson coating technology. They cover coatedlayersbythecoatingflowprocessupstream.