Literary Migrations(English, Paperback, unknown)
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Introduction Part I: KOREA AND JAPAN The Influence of Chinese Stories and Novels on Korean Fiction (translated by W.R. Skillend) by Kim Dong-uk The Plots of Chinese Fiction in Korean Vernacular Novels by A.F. Trotsevich Chinese Colloquial Novels in Japan - mainly during the Edo Period (1603-1867) by Oki Yasushi & Otsuka HidekataPART II: MAINLAND NORTHEAST ASIA The Manchu Translations of Chinese Novels and Short Stories - An Attempt at an Inventory by Martin Gimm A Note about the Spread of Chinese Literature amongst the Mongols (translated by Donald Holzman) by Francoise Aubin Mongolian Translations of Old Chinese Novels and Stories - A Tentative Bibliographic Survey (translated by Jeanne Kelly) by Boris RiftinPART III: MAINLAND SOUTHEAST ASIA The Influence of Chinese Fiction on Vietnamese Literature (translated by Noel Castelino) by Yan Bao Thai Translations of Chinese Literary Works by Prapin Manomaivibool Chinese Literary Influence on Cambodia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (translated by Noel Castelino) by Jacques Nepote and Khing Hoc DyPART IV: INSULAR SOUTHEAST ASIA A Note on Javanese Works Derived from Chinese Fiction by Claudine Salmon Malay Translations of Chinese Fiction in Indonesia by Claudine Salmon Writings in Romanized Malay by the Chinese of Malaya: A Preliminary Inquiry by Claudine Salmon Lie Sie Bin Yoe Tee Hoe: Six Malay/Indonesian Translations of a Chinese Tale by Eric M. Oey Liang Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai: A Chinese Folk Romance in Java and Bali by George Quinn Translations of Chinese Fiction into Makassarese by Gilbert Hamonic and Claudine Salmon Sam Pek Eng Tay, A Chinese Love Story in Madurese by Dede Oetomo Postwar Kongfu Novels in Indonesia: A Preliminary Survey by Leo SuryadinataBibliography Author, story-teller and translator index, Title index, List of Plates, Contributors