LPR TOMATO SEEDS Seed(200 per packet)
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Lily Pond Store is an online garden center dedicated to water lily plants. As a licensed importer, we carry a carefully curated selection of water lily from the best hybridizers in the world. We ensure that our plants meet strict quality standards and are proven to thrive in the Indian environment – because we believe that you deserve only the very best! There are two kinds of water lilies – Hardy water lilies and Tropical water lilies. Tropical water lilies grow from tubers, bear star shaped flowers and are prolific bloomers. Hardy water lilies grow out of rhizomes and bear cup shaped flowers. Though certain hardys do not bloom as profusely as tropicals the flower structure of hardys make them true show stoppers. Both hardys and tropicals are fragrant, come in a full range of colours and are a joy to own and grow. Lotus must be planted in clayey soil only. No other soil is suitable. Combine 5 parts soil with 1 part vermicompost, add water and mix well. Fill little more than half of the container in which you plan to plant the lotus with the soil mixture. Let it rest for a week prior to planting.