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Taiwan Giant King Grass is called ''king grass'' because it is higher in height than other grasses and it spreads more than other grasses. Also, it contains more vitamins and proteins than other grasses, that's why this grass is called Giant King Grass.Giant king grass is one of the widely cultivated fodder grasses because of its high Nutritive value, Crude protein is 20-22 %.This grass grows throughout the year and it can be grown on a variety of soils even it grows well in drier areas. It has larger leaves, softer and less persistent hairs of leaf blades and sheaths and less sharp leaf edges. It is juicier and succulent at all stages of growth.Very fast growth, commonly crop height ranges is 15-18 feet, it grows very tall. Farmers should take 7-8 years good yield & annually take 7-8 cuts are possible. First harvest on 40-60 days after planting & subsequent cuts at intervals of 30-40 days.Farmers can save huge money because of high Protein content (20-25%). This grass boost health,makes muscles healthy and also help to increase milk .Which will be more beneficial.Giant king are multi cut hybrid green grass, commonly used in the Animal husbandry (like - Cow, Buffalo's, Goat, Sheep's, Hens etc.,)for feeding purpose. Giant king grasses are classified as tall category grass, it can grow up to 10 to15 feet's in height. It is very fast growing Variety and can adapt in all condition in India. Farmers can take 5 year good yield of this crop and can take around 8 to 10 cuttings annually of it. It is advisable that after receiving the package put the sticks into water for around 45 to 60 minutes and after that plant it into the field. This has protein in very high amount which is very useful in increasing milk production in dairy farms.