National Science Olympiad - Class 7 + Olympiad Sample Paper - Class 7 With OMR Sheets(Paperback, Preeti Agarwal, V&S Editorial Board)
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"National Science Olympiad - Class 7:The book 'National Science Olympiad' has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter to enhance the problem solving skills of candidates. The questions in the Achievers section are set to evaluate scientific skills of brilliant students whereas the Subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included to do practice on the expected questions. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is also useful for various competitive exams such as NTSE, NSTSE, and SLSTSE as well. Contents: 1. Science a) Heat and Temperature b) Motion and Time c) Electric Current and Its Effects d) Winds, Storms and Cyclones Light e) Acids, Bases and Salts f) Physical and Chemical Changes g) Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals h) Fibre to Fabric i) Nutrition in Plants and Animals j) Respiration in Organisms k) Transportation and Excretion l) Reproduction in Plants m) Natural Resources and Their Conservation 2. Logical Reasoning a) Patterns b) Number Series c) Alphabetical Series d) Classification e) Coding Decoding f) Alphabet Test g) Blood Relation Test h) Direction Sense Test i) Number Ranking Test j) Odd One Out k) Dice l) Mirror Images m) Water Images n) Embedded Figures o) Venn Diagrams 3. Achievers' Section Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Short Answer Questions Model Test Paper – 1 Model Test Paper – 2 Hints and SolutionsOlympiad Sample Paper - Class 7:The Olympiad sample papers have been developed by experts in their respective fields to make students familiar with the syllabus covered in the exam and the question-asking pattern followed by the marking scheme. Set on the lines of MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) format adopted in the exam, there are two sets of papers on each of Mathematics, Science, Cyber and English Olympiads for Class 7. Answers keys are given to enable students to verify the correctness of the answers. Where necessary, steps to solving questions are also given. Students can practice through these papers, check their scores, and assess their level of preparedness and knowledge. This kind of meticulous attention to detail is sure to help them make a smart plan and strategy for preparation of these challenging NCO, NSO, IEO and IMO exams. From the sample papers, students will get a fair idea about the type of questions asked in the examination. In this series, we present for students a full range of sample papers from Class 1st to 10th. Syllabus, question patterns, and marking arrangements are given so that the student can learn and prepare for the exam accordingly. These sample papers will prove to be of premier importance while preparing for the Olympiad exams. Contents: 1. International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) a) Mock Test Paper – 1 b) Mock Test Paper – 2 2. National Science Olympiad (NSO) a) Mock Test Paper – 1 b) Mock Test Paper – 2 3. National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) a) Mock Test Paper – 1 b) Mock Test Paper – 2 4. International English Olympiad (IEO)a) Mock Test Paper – 1 b) Mock Test Paper – 2 5. Hints and Solutions"