NEP Manav Bhugol Ke Mool Tatva Fundamentals Of Human Geography With Practical B.A. 2nd Semester For All Chhattisgarh Universities(Paperback, Hindi, Dr. Abha Singh, Dr. Komal Singh)
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1. Introduction to Human Geography : Definition, Nature, Scope and Fundamental Concept in Human Geography 2. Understanding of Man-Nature Relationship : Determinism, Possibilism and Neo-Determinism, Classification of Human occupation 3. Population of the World : Distribution, Density and Growth 4. Socio-Economic Pattern of Population-Literacy, Migration and Occupational Structure 5. Theory and Model of Population Growth 6. Types and Characteristics of Human Settlement : Rural and Urban Sattlement 7. Human Races : Basic of Rocial Classification and World Distribution 8. Habitat and Economy of Selected Communities (Gond, Eskimo and Bushmen) 9. Indicator and Measure of regional Development 5. Global Pattern of Development 10. Global Pattern of Development 11. Variation (HDI) 12. Concept of Sustainable DevelopmentPractical Geography1. Scale: Methods of Representing Scale, Conversion of Scale Type of Linear 2. Methods of Showing Relief 3. Relief Representation by Contour