Numinous Shevri, Shevari, Sesbania Sesban, Fodder Tree seeds Seed(2 kg)
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CultivationS. sesban makes its best growth when receiving 500-2000 mm (19-78 in) of annual rainfall. It has been found growing at elevations up to 2000 m (6561 ft). Sesban is usually propagated by seed. It can be rooted from cuttings. Seed scarification by dipping seeds in water heated to below boiling for 30 seconds improves germination. Plants for fodder production can be planted 30-50 cm apart in rows 1 meter apart. Rhizobia inoculants may be necessary at planting. The species is known for its tolerance to waterlogging, flooding, salinity and alkaline conditions.As a fence, it is planted at 1-2 m spacing in single rows, as an alley crop, single or double rows are planted 2-10 m apart, with plants spaced 25-50 cm apart within rows. As a protein bank, it is planted in rows 1-2 m apart with plants spaced 25-50cm apart within rows. Its rapid early growth generally enables it to overcome weed competition easily and weed management is generally not required.Shevari has a shallow root system and its stems may reach 12 cm in diameter. Leaves are pinnately compound with 6 to 27 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets are linear oblong, 26 mm long x 5 mm broad. Inflorescences are 30 cm long racemes bearing 2 to 20 yellow flowers with purple or brown streaks. Fruits are linear or slightly curved pods up to 30 cm long. Pods contain 10 to 50 seeds. It yields up to 20 t/ha/year if conditions are favourable. In cut-and-carry systems, sesban/shevari can be cut when it is 1-2 m high, and cutting frequency is usually 5 times a year. A cutting height of 75-100 cm is recommended and some foliage has to be left in order to ensure re-growth of the plant.Dry Matter: Sesbania has an advantage over most other Tree fodders in its rapid establishment. It was reported to attain a height of 4-5 m at 6 months after planting in India and produced 4 times the fodder yield of Leucaena Leucocephala at 3 months after planting. Under favourable conditions DM yields of up to 20 Ton/ha/year ranging from 30-60% depending on cutting frequency and growing conditions. Seed production can be as high as 1-2 ton/ha. Very susceptible to insect attack and should not be stored for more than 1 year.