Orthayu Knee pain relief balm 100g X PO4, Ayurvedic balm, Instant relief from pain Balm(4 x 100 g)
Quick Overview
DreamAds presents New ORTHAYU Balm ,This is an AYUSH Approved Ayuverdic Formulation & is a Balanced & Blended Ayurvedic Formulation Of 17 Herbals Oils for pain .Balm Contains Ayurvedic Oils Like Ashwagandha Oil,Marjoram Oil,Myrtie Oil,Ajovan Satva etc. & it absorbs easily for relief. It is very helpful to relieving the stiffness & Body Aches. Apply the ointment to the affected area 3 to 4 times a day including nights. Massage lightly in circular motion to allow the balm seep into the muscles. It is an entirely herbal & safe solution that is unlikely to cause any side effects New Orthayu balm. This pain relief balm reduces & helps cure pain in – elbows, shoulders, back, ankle, hands, wrist, neck, foot, & knees, backpain, muscle sprains.