PROGRAMMING IN C MSBTE - K Scheme - FY DIPLOMA (SEM II - CE/CSE/IT/AI&ML/ECE/E&TC/ELEX - 312303/312009)(Paperback, A.P. Godse, Dr. D. A. Godse) |
PROGRAMMING IN C MSBTE - K Scheme - FY DIPLOMA (SEM II - CE/CSE/IT/AI&ML/ECE/E&TC/ELEX - 312303/312009)(Paperback, A.P. Godse, Dr. D. A. Godse)

PROGRAMMING IN C MSBTE - K Scheme - FY DIPLOMA (SEM II - CE/CSE/IT/AI&ML/ECE/E&TC/ELEX - 312303/312009)(Paperback, A.P. Godse, Dr. D. A. Godse)

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Syllabus Programming in ‘C’ Language - (312009) Learning Scheme CreditsAssessment Scheme Actual Contact Hrs./Week SLH NLH Paper DurationTheoryBased on LL & TLBased on SLTotal Marks CL TL LLPractical FA-THSA-THTotalFA-PRSA-PRSLA MaxMaxMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMin 2-2263-----25102510251075 Sr. No.Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO's) aligned to CO's.Learning content mapped with Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. 1.TLO 1.1 Write the basic structure of C program. TLO 1.2 Differentiate between keywords and identifiers. TLO 1.3 Use relevant data types as per the given situation. TLO 1.4 Construct algorithm and draw flowchart for the given problem. TLO 1.5 Use different types of operators in given situations. Unit - I Basics of C Programming 1.1 Algorithms and Flow Charts : 1.1.1 Steps for writing algorithm 1.1.2 Notations of flow charts. 1.2 Structure of C program, Introduction of Assembler, Linker, Compiler, Interpreter. 1.3 Character set, Keywords, identifiers, constants, Variables 1.4 Data Types : 1.4.1 Predefined Data types : integer-unsigned, signed, long, float, double, character, single, octal, hexadecimal 1.4.2 User defined Data Types : Arrays, Structures. 1.5 Operators and expressions : 1.5.1 Formatted input and output statements 1.5.2 Types of Operators : Arithmetic, logical, relational, increment and decrement, bitwise, special operators : unary, ternary operators, 1.5.3 Precedence, Associativity of Operators. (Chapters - 1, 2) 2.TLO 2.1 Implement branching and looping. TLO 2.2 Demonstrate control statements using “if-else”. TLO 2.3 Apply different types of loops as per the given problem. Unit - II Decision Control & Looping 2.1 Introduction to decision control, branching and looping 2.2 Decision Control statements : if, if-else, if-else-if ladder, switch case, 2.3 Looping and branching Statements : 2.3.1 while Loop, 2.3.2 for Loop, nested for loop 2.3.3 do-while loop, break, continue 2.3.4 Goto statement. (Chapter - 3) 3.TLO 3.1 Use functions for implementing C program. TLO 3.2 Write ‘C’ program to pass values between the functions. TLO 3.3 Use library functions for the given problem. TLO 3.4 Develop a recursive function for the given problem.Unit - III Functions 3.1 Concept and Need of a Function. 3.1.1 Declaration , definition and calling of functions 3.2 Passing Values between Functions : call by value, call by reference, Scope Rule of Functions. 3.3 Using Library Functions : 3.3.1 math functions like : mod(),sqrt(),pow(),exp(),sum(), round(), 3.3.2 Character Functions like islower(),isupper(),isdigit(),tolower() 3.4 Recursive function. (Chapter - 5) 4.TLO 4.1 List down the steps to declare, initialize and display array elements. TLO 4.2 Write a C program to handle Two dimensional arrays. TLO 4.3 Write steps to declare, initialize and display the strings in C program. TLO 4.4 Apply relevant string library functions as per the given problem.Unit - IV Arrays And Strings 4.1 Concept and need of Arrays, 4.1.1 Declaration, Initialization, Storing Array Elements in Memory, Displaying array elements 4.2 Two-Dimensional Arrays 4.2.1 Initializing a Two-Dimensional Array 4.2.2 Adding elements to 2-D Array 4.2.3 Display elements of 2-D Array 4.3 Introduction of Strings 4.3.1 Declaration, Initialization and Display of string 4.4 Standard Library String Functions 4.4.1 strlen(),strcpy(), strcat( ), strcmp( ) (Chapter - 4) 5.TLO 5.1 Develop a program to declare, access and display structures in C. TLO 5.2 Use pointers to access memory and perform pointer arithmetic.Unit - V Structures & Pointers. 5.1 Introduction to structures : 5.1.1 Declaring a Structure 5.1.2 Accessing Structure elements 5.1.3 Displaying Structure elements 5.2 Concept of pointer 5.2.1 Pointer notation 5.2.2 Pointer variables, declaration of pointer 5.2.3 Pointer arithmetic like increment and decrement operation. (Chapters - 4, 6) Syllabus Programming in C - (312303) Learning Scheme CreditsAssessment Scheme Actual Contact Hrs./Week SLH NLH Paper DurationTheoryBased on LL & TLBased on SLTotal Marks CL TL LLPractical FA-THSA-THTotalFA-PRSA-PRSLA MaxMaxMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMin 41411053307010040502050202510225 Sr. No.Theory Learning Outcomes(TLO's) aligned to CO's.Learning content mapped with Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. 1.TLO 1.1 Write algorithm for given problem statement TLO 1.2 Identify the given building blocks of a C Program. TLO 1.3 Use basic constructs like constants, variables, data types for developing C program. TLO 1.4 Write C programs using printf() and scanf() functions. TLO 1.5 Write C programs using arithmetic operators, bitwise operators.Unit - I Basics of ‘C’ Programming 1.1 Fundamentals of algorithms : Notion of algorithm. Notations used for assignment statements and basic control structures. 1.2 Introduction to ‘C’ : General structure of ‘ C' program. Header file, ‘main ()’ function. 1.3 Fundamental constructs of ‘C’ : Character set, tokens, keywords, Identifiers, Constants - number constants, character constants, string constants, Variables, Data types in ‘C’. Declaring variables, data type conversion. 1.4 Basic Input and Output functions : Input and output statements using printf(), scanf() functions. 1.5 Assignments and expressions : simple assignment statements, arithmetic operators, shift operators, bitwise operators, size of operator. (Chapters - 1, 2) 2.TLO 2.1 Write a ‘C’ program using decision making statements. TLO 2.2 Use loop statements in C program to solve iterative problems. TLO 2.3 Use appropriate statement to alter the program flow in the loop.Unit - II Control structures 2.1 Conditional statements : Relational operators, logical operators, if statement, if-else statements, nested if-else statements, if-else ladder, switch statement. 2.2 Looping statements : 2.1 while loop, do…while loop , for loop. 2.3 Branching Statements : goto statement, Use of ‘break’ and ‘continue’ statements. (Chapter - 3) 3.TLO 3.1 Write C Program to perform operations on one dimensional array. TLO 3.2 Declare, initialize and access elements of two dimensional array. TLO 3.3 Declare, initialize and access data using Structure. TLO 3.4 Explain typedef and enum.Unit - III Arrays and structure 3.1 Characteristics of an array, One dimension and two dimensional arrays, concept of multi-dimensional arrays. 3.2 Array declaration and Initialization. 3.3 Operations on Arrays. 3.4 Character and String input/output and String related operations. 3.5 Introduction and Features of Structures, Declaration and Initialization of Structures, array of structures. 3.6 Type def, Enumerated Data Type. (Chapter - 4) 4.TLO 4.1 Explain need of Functions in C program. TLO 4.2 Write C Program involving C library functions. TLO 4.3 Write user defined functions for given problem in C program. TLO 4.4 Write C Program for calling function by ‘value’ and calling function by ‘reference’. TLO 4.5 Implement recursive functions in C Program.Unit - IV Functions 4.1 Concept and need of functions. 4.2 Library functions : Math functions, String handling functions, other miscellaneous functions such as getchar(), putchar(), malloc(), calloc(). 4.3 Writing User defined functions : function definition, functions declaration, function call, scope of variables - local variables, global variables. 4.4 Function parameters : Parameter passing - call by value and call by reference, function return values, function return types, declaring function return types, The ‘return’ statement. 4.5 Recursive functions. (Chapter - 5) 5.TLO 5.1 Declare and Define Pointer Variable. TLO 5.2 Write C program to print the address and values of pointer variables. TLO 5.3 Write C program to perform arithmetic operations using pointers. TLO 5.4 Write C Program to perform operations on Arrays using Pointers. TLO 5.5 Explain string related operations using pointer. TLO 5.6 Access individual variable of structure using pointer.Unit - V Pointers 5.1 Introduction to Pointers : Definition, use of pointers, ‘*’ and ‘&’ operators, declaring, initializing, accessing pointers. 5.2 Pointer arithmetic. 5.3 Pointer to array. 5.4 Pointer and Text string. 5.5 Function handling using pointers. 5.6 Pointers to structure. (Chapter - 6)