Rajniti Vigyan (Political Science) (First Paper: Political Theory. Second Paper: National Movement and Indian Constitutions) 1 Edition(Paperback, Dr. J.C. Johari)
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An excellent book with thorough coverage for MA and BA classes, also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations. UNIT - I 1.Political Science : Definition, Nature, Scope and Relation with Other Social Sciences, 2 .Methods and Approaches to the Study of Political Science, 3 .State : Nature, Origin and Theories of State Action, 4. Development of State and Case of Welfare State, 5. Principles of State Activity, 6. Justice, 7. Law, Liberty and Equality, 8 .Sovereignty, 9 .Forms of Government, 10. Dictatorship, 11. Public Opinion, 12 .Party System and Pressure Groups, 13. Methods of Representation and Factoral Systems, 14. Secularism, 15. Political Development, UNIT - II 1.The Birth and Growth of Nationalism in India : The Indian National Congress, 2 .Trend of Moderatism and Extremism in Indian National Movement, 3 .Indian National Movement : Non-cooperation, Civil Disobe-dience and Quit India Movement, 4 .Constitutional Development (1773-1919), 5. Towards Independence, 6. Important Events, 7. Constitution Making and Its Salient Features, 8.Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties, 9. Federal System and Centre-state Relations, 10. Union Executive : President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers, 11. Parliament, 12. State Governments, 13 .Judiciary : Supreme Court and High Courts, 14. Local Self-Government : Panchayati Raj System