Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology(English, Paperback, Blaustein M. P.)
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Cook et al.: Phospholipases C and D in Mitogenic SignalTransduction. Moolenaar et al: Lysophosphatidatic Acid: ABioactive Phospholipid with Growth Factor-Like Properties.Kozma et al.: Serine/Threonine Kinases in thePropagation ofthe Early Mitogenic Response. Diringer et al: ARetrospective on Transformation, Growth Control, and somePeculiarities of Lipid Metabolism. Villereal et al.: CalciumSignals in Growth Factor Signal Transduction. Wakabayashi etal.: Structure Function of the Growth Factor-ActivatableNa+/H+ Exchanger. Herrlich et al.: DNA Damage-Induces GeneExpression: Signal Transduction and Relation to GrowthFactor Signaling. Lucibello et al.: Transcription FactorEncoding Oncogenes