RMP Ludo,Chess and Snake Ladder 2 in 1 Board Game with Coins Board Game Accessories
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Ludo Board: A Ludo board is a square-shaped board with a pattern of intersecting lines forming a grid. The board is divided into four colored quadrants, with each quadrant having a starting area and a finishing area. The board also has a central cross-shaped area, which is the starting point for all players. The game is played with four players, each having a set of four colored pieces. Players take turns rolling a dice and moving their pieces around the board according to the number on the dice. The first player to move all their pieces from the starting area to the finishing area wins the game. Chess Board: A Chess board is a square-shaped board with 64 squares of alternating colors, typically black and white. The board has eight rows and eight columns, and each square is assigned a letter and a number for notation purposes. The board is used to play the game of Chess, which is a strategic two-player game.The game is played with 16 pieces for each player, including one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. Players take turns moving their pieces around the board with the goal of putting the opponent's king in checkmate, meaning that the king is under attack and cannot escape capture on the next move. Snake Board: A Snake board is a square-shaped board with a pattern of squares, each square being numbered sequentially. The board typically has a starting square, often marked with the number 1, and an ending square, marked with a higher number. The game is played with one or more players,