Sitrus Tomato Seed(25 per packet)
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Tomato is one of the most widely grown vegetables in the world. The popularity of tomato among con-sumers has made it an important source of vita-mins A and C in diets. Tomatoes prefer well-drained soil because they are sensitive to water-logging. Optimum soil pH is 6.0–7.0.Sow seeds 0.5 cm deep.Seedlings will emerge within 8 days at the optimal soil temperatures of 20–30°C. Seedlings grown in trays of individual containers are healthier and more vigorous compared to those grown in flats or beds. Seedlings grown in flats or beds suffer root damage when the plants are pulled apart for transplanting.Seedling tray method. Fill the holes with a medium that drains well, such as coco peat, commercial potting soil, or a mixture of sand, compost, and burnt rice hulls. Place the trays on benches in a sheltered place. Insects, such as whiteflies, thrips, and aphids, can transmit viruses to young tomato plants. Neem based insect repllent can be used TransplantingHarden the seedlings by slightly reducing water before transplanting. Thoroughly water the seedlings about 12 hours before transplanting to the field. A good seedling is in the four- or five-leaf stage (about 4 weeks old), vigorous and stocky Plant spacing depends upon cropping system, soil type, and plant habit. Generally establish two rows per 1-m-wide bed (60 cm between rows) and 40 cm between plants within the row for indeterminate varieties (pruned) for a plant density of 33,333 plants/haWater managementInsufficient water at any growth stage will reduce yield and fruit quality. Tomato is most sensitive to water deficit during flowering, somewhat sensitive immediately after transplanting and during fruit de-velopment, and least sensitive during vegetative growth. Because indeterminate varieties flower and form fruit continuously, they are always sensi-tive to water deficits.Tomato grows well in moist but not soggy soil, and well-timed furrow or drip irrigation is effective. Wilting in the late morning indicates that the crop should be irrigated.. Tomato plants are sensitive to waterlog-ging and flooded fields Staking or trellising tomato plants with bamboo poles, wood stakes, or other sturdy material pro-vides support and keeps the fruit and foliage off the ground. Staking can increase fruit yield and size, reduce fruit rot, and make spraying and harvest-ing easierWeed controlWeeds should be controlled in tomato crops be-cause they compete for light, water, and nutrients. Sometimes they host tomato diseases, such as tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Mulches suppress weed growth on the beds. Remove weeds from furrows by pulling or hoeing.