The Bunker Vol. 2: Volume 2(English, Paperback, Fialkov Joshua Hale)
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"There are shades of The Twilight Zone,Lost and Stand by Me in The Bunker, but it's also a bit of a reverse Back to theFuture situation: They're told what will happen, but each character will primethemselves differently."-- USATODAY "Highlyrecommended."-- AIN"T IT COOLNEWS "THE BUNKER tells the storyof five friends who find mysterious letters inside a time capsule they buriedlong ago. And it's no wonder none of them remember writing the letters; they'rewritten by their future selves. To add to the mystery, each one warns of animpending apocalypse, which they apparently caused. . . . . Stellar. - THENERDIST In volume 2 of this ongoingseries, the future has not been saved. A bomb tore a chunk out of San Francisco.Daniel began his job at Aspire, following in his father's footsteps. Will theapocalypse keep happening? Or will something trigger a change in the future? Afuture where Grady Potts wields his power as president to his advantage. WhereDaniel has locked himself away, desperately seeking a cure for the virus. WhereHeidi and Billy are criminals. Where Natasha is forced to help Grady find a wayto travel into the past... ...but for what purpose? To help change the future?Or to preserve it?