Three-phase AC-AC Power Converters Based on Matrix Converter Topology(English, Hardcover, Szczesniak Pawel)
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AC voltage frequency changes is one of the most important functions of solid state power converters. The most desirable features in frequency converters are the ability to generate load voltages with arbitrary amplitude and frequency, sinusoidal currents and voltages waveforms; the possibility of providing unity power factor for any load; and, finally, a simple and compact power circuit. Over the past decades, a number of different frequency converter topologies have appeared in the literature, but only the converters with either a voltage or current DC link are commonly used in industrial applications. Improvements in power semiconductor switches over recent years have resulted in the development of many structures of AC-AC converters without DC electric energy storage. Such converters are an alternative solution for frequently recommended systems with DC energy storage and are characterized by a lower price, smaller size and longer lifetime. Most of the these topologies are based on the structure of the matrix converter. Three-Phase AC-AC Power Converters Based On Matrix Converter Topology: Matrix-reactance frequency converters concept presents a review of power frequency converters, with special attention paid to converters without DC energy storage. Particular attention is paid to nine new converters named matrix-reactance frequency converters which have been developed by the author and the team of researchers from Institute of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zielona Gora. The topologies of the presented matrix-reactance frequency converters are based on a three-phase unipolar buck-boost matrix-reactance chopper with source or load switches arranged as in a matrix converter. This kind of approach makes it possible to obtain an output voltage greater than the input one (similar to that in amatrix-reactance chopper) and a frequency conversion (similar to that in a matrix converter). Written for researchers and Ph.D. students working in the field of power electronics converters and drive systems, Three-Phase AC-AC Power Converters Based On Matrix Converter Topology: Matrix-reactance frequency converters concept will also be valuable to power electronics converter designers and users; R&D centers; and readers needing industry solutions in variable speed drive systems, such as automation and aviation.