UML 2 AND THE UNIFIED PROCESS - Practical Object-oriented Analysis and Design 2nd Edition(English, Paperback, Neustadt, Arlow)
Quick Overview
This thoroughly revised second edition is based upon the authors' successful training courses, and gives the reader a quick, focused tour through a proven object-oriented analysis and design process. It introduces and explains the need-to-know concepts and key elements of both Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the Unified Process (UP). The book allows the reader to get up to speed on successful techniques that can be immediately applied. The structure of the book aims to give the reader as clear and uncomplicated a guide as possible. It takes the reader through an introduction to UML, an introduction to the UP, then covers the basics of software requirements and use case modeling. The key aspects of the analysis and design stages are covered in step by- step detail, finishing off with implementation. Features • Fully updated for UML 2.0 and highlights the latest features of the IBM/Rational Unified Process • Emphasizes tips and tricks that help the reader become an expert analyst and designer • Includes a new section on the OMG's MDA initiative, coverage of RUP stereotypes, and a new appendix relating the book to UML certification