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Yoga is a science, and not a vague, dreamy drifting or imagining. It is an appliedscience, a systematized collection of laws applied to bring about a definite end.It takes up the laws of psychology applicable to the unfolding of the wholeconsciousness of man on every plane, in every world, and applies those laws ofunfolding consciousness acts exactly on the same principles that you seeapplied around you every day in other departments of science.”Massage is a relaxing technique which is accepted all over the world. Massagein India is prevalent since ancient times. Massage if done scientifically, is veryeffective and relaxes body thoroughly. The word massage is derived fromGreek Language, signifying to knead, to press. It consists basically of palpation,rubbing and kneading. Celsus, a Roman physician, at the beginning ofChristian era advised that friction should be used several times a day in the sunand found that chronic pains in the head were relieved by rubbing the headitself and the paralysed limbs were strengthened by being rubbed. To take bathafter oil massage was a common custom in Turkey and Kerala. By simplemassage one can keep his body ever young. By massage, the whole body, theskin, the muscles, the veins, the arteries, the lymphatic's and the whole nervoussystem is benefitted. This book provides the scientific techniques of massage,oil used in massage, essential oils (aroma's) beauty treatments, skincare; care ofhands, foot etc.