Blue Sapphire Gemstone 7.25 Caratratti Untreated 100 Neelima Ston |
                      Blue Sapphire Gemstone 7.25 Caratratti Untreated 100 Neelima Ston

Blue Sapphire Gemstone 7.25 Caratratti Untreated 100 Neelima Ston

Quick Overview

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Neelam Stone is a highly protective gemstone. It helps in protection from enemies, evil eye, hexing, jealousy etc. Blue Sapphire blesses with mental clarity, clears confusion and blesses the individual with the correct decision making abilities. It improves digestion, takes away lethargy and helps improve focus and concentration.It has excellent healing abilities to soothe the senses and blesses with calmness and equanimity. In certain horoscope situations it removes negativity, unknown fears and complexes. Blue Sapphire has a direct impact on wealth levels. It gives a positive boost in finances. It can bless with multiple sources of income if the individual is so inclined and works towards it.