Cats eye Stone Pendant Natural Cats Eye stone Certified Astrological purpose for men women Silver Cat's Eye Stone Pe
Quick Overview
Cat's eye stone, also known as chrysoberyl cat's eye, is a fascinating gemstone renowned for its unique optical phenomenon and captivating appearance. Here's a description of the cat's eye stone:
Color: Cat's eye stones can vary in color, ranging from yellowish-green to brownish-green, golden, or grayish-green. The most prized and sought-after color is a vivid green shade.
Optical Phenomenon: The defining characteristic of a cat's eye stone is its remarkable chatoyancy, which is a striking band of light that appears to glide across the surface of the gemstone. This effect resembles the slit eye of a cat, hence the name "cat's eye." The chatoyant effect is caused by the presence of fine needle-like inclusions within the stone, which interact with light to create a luminous line.
Transparency: Cat's eye stones are typically translucent to opaque, with varying degrees of transparency. The best quality stones exhibit excellent transparency, allowing the chatoyant band to be clearly visible.
Hardness: Cat's eye stones have a hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale, making them quite durable and suitable for everyday jewelry.
Luster: The luster of a cat's eye stone is vitreous, displaying a glossy and reflective surface when polished.
Cut: Cat's eye stones are often cut into cabochon shapes to enhance the chatoyancy. The cabochon cut, with its smooth, rounded surface, helps to concentrate the light and maximize the cat's eye effect.
Origin: Cat's eye stones are found in various locations around the world, including Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, Madagascar, and Myanmar (Burma). Each origin may exhibit slight variations in color and chatoyancy.
Symbolism and Meaning: Cat's eye stones are associated with intuition, protection, and good fortune. In some cultures, they are believed to ward off evil spirits and bring luck and prosperity to the wearer.
Uses: Cat's eye stones are primarily used in jewelry, such as rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. Their unique appearance and mystical allure make them popular choices for both men's and women's jewelry designs.
It's worth noting that there are other gemstones that are sometimes referred to as "cat's eye," such as tiger's eye and hawk's eye. While these stones share a similar chatoyant effect, they belong to different mineral families and have distinct properties and appearances.