DU BHU, IIT JAM BT, CUET Bioscience (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics) Question Bank (Part-II)
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IFAS is India's No. 1 Institute for IIT JAM, CUET & Other MSc Entrance Exam, has cumulated topic-wise MSc entrance previous year question papers of the Delhi University & Banaras Hindu University Bioscience in this DU & BHU Bioscience question bank Part II. Topicwise Practice Questions with Answer Key. 4100+ Questions for 187 Chapters (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics). Useful in various M.Sc. Entrance exams for IIT JAM BT, CUET, TIFR, GAT-B, and JNU exams besides DU and BHU. MSc entrance previous year exam papers book continues the tradition of being made for students. It will help the reader to MSc entrance practice questions from a particular topic in one place. Looking at sorted questions, students will find that although the language of questions may be different, the concepts behind them are the same. Thus, students can plan their preparations for DU and BHU according to their strengths and weakness. We have attempted to maintain the same unified organization of the questions that have been useful to students in the past and to ensure that the book is comprehensive enough that students will continue to use it during their student life. This is where the IFAS IIT JAM DU & BHU Part - 2 Book is prepared by expert faculties and top seller book in India, this is your best bet to be DU & BHU READY!!