ketofly Anti-Dandruff shampoo(set of 4 pcs.)
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Ketofly Shampoo Uses
Ketofly Shampoo is used in the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:
- Fungal infections
- Yeast infections of skin
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Ketofly Shampoo Working
Ketofly Shampoo improves the patient's condition by performing the following functions on the body:
- Preventing yeasts and fungi from reproducing.
Ketofly Shampoo Composition
Ketofly Shampoo is composed of the following salts:Ketofly Shampoo Side Effects
Below are the common side effects that may occur when using Ketofly Shampoo. Please consult your doctor if you observe any of these side effects even in mild form.- Abdominal pain
- Application site bleeding
- Bleeding
- Blockade of synthesis of hormones from adrenal glands
There may be other side effects, and this is not an exhaustive list. Not every side effects occur in every person. Please discuss with your medical practitioner for more information related to the side effects.Some side effects of Ketofly Shampoo may yet not have been reported. Please report all side effects to your local food and drug administration authority.Learn more: (in more detail)Ketofly Shampoo Interactions
Medicine and salt interactions may increase or decrease the activity of Ketofly Shampoo when taken together with certain other medicines. Ketofly Shampoo interacts with the following medicines and salts:- Abiraterone acetate
- Alcohol
- Alfentanil
- Aliskiren
Learn more: (in more detail)Ketofly Shampoo Contraindications
It is not recommended to consume Ketofly Shampoo if you have the following diseases, medical or physical conditions:- Astemizole
- Cisapride
- Hypersensitivity
- Porphyria
Learn more: (in more detail)Ketofly Shampoo Precautions
Take the following precautions or be careful about the following while consuming Ketofly Shampoo:- Have or history of hepatic impairment, predisposition to adrenocortical insufficiency
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Take antacid 1 hour before or 2 hours after this drug
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Missing a dose
In case you miss a dose, apply or consume a dose as soon as you notice. If you are close to the time for your next dose, wait until then and then consume or apply your medicine. Never consume or use extra medicine to make up for a dosage that you have missed. If you are regularly missing doses, consider setting an alarm or asking a family member to remind you. Please consult your doctor to discuss changes in schedule or a new schedule to make up for missed medicines, if you have missed too many doses in the recent past.Overdosage of Ketofly Shampoo
- Never take more medicine than the prescribed dose. Eating more medicine will not improve your symptoms, rather they may cause poisoning or serious side effects. If you suspect that you or anyone else may have taken an overdose of Ketofly Shampoo, please go to the emergency department of the closest hospital or nursing home. Carry the medicine box, container or label with you to help doctors with necessary information.
- Never give your medicines to other people even if you know that they have the same condition or it seems that they have similar conditions. This may lead to overdosage or medicine poisoning.
- Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for more information.
Storage of Ketofly Shampoo
- Store medicines at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Do not freeze medicines unless the packaging or storage instructions clearly require you to do that. Keep medicines away from children and pets to prevent them from accidental consumption.
- Do not flush medicines down the toilet or pour them into drainage unless specifically instructed to do so. Medicines discarded in this manner will enter the natural environment or be consumed by wildlife. This can cause irreparable environmental damage. Please consult your pharmacist or doctor for more details on how to safely discard Ketofly Shampoo.