Orient Pearl Fairness And Spotless Cream
Quick Overview
with ancient medical recie,contain precious natural sheep placenta essence,fruit acid,pearl powder, the product can powerfully peel cu- tin , acceierate metabolism, promote blood circuiation,nourish tender skin,make skin shining and firm effectively and intensively remove aged cells, delay ageing,supply water,streng then skin tissue,protect skin from UV,dissolve deposited melanin gradually remove spots, whiten skin adn promote the production of collagen, effectiveiy prevent wrinkles, supply nourishment and make firm, shining and perfect. See result in just 6 to 7 days guaranteed.
orient pearl whitening pearl beauty spot-removing cream & facewash makes your skin fairer shining and refine the natural freshness and make your skin beautyfull efectively and enstensively remove spot cells pimple freckle and darkness of the face with in 7 days gauranteed it also prevent wrinckles dark circle supply nourishment and make your firm shining atractive and beautifull only in few days. Orient pearl whitening cream equally good for all types of climetic and suitable for all types of skin. No any side effects.