Pinus Gerardiana 500gm
Quick Overview
Some benefits of Pinus Gerardiana are :
· Helps lose weight
· Healthier blood circulation and heart control
· Controls fatigue and provides relaxation
· Cures digestive issues
· Pumps up blood haemoglobin
· Slows down aging process
· Helps in anaemic conditions
· Prevents cataract problems in old age people
Nature’s Park, as the name suggests captures the goodness of Pinus Gerardiana in its natural packing. Grown in a natural environment with consistent care and carefully extracted from the core of pine, we focus on preservation of the innate constituent elements of these nuts to offer therapeutic value in each pack. So, next time when you feel like snacking, just open up a richness-preserved pack of Pinus Gerardiana from Nature’s Park and enjoy the supplementary health benefits along with the creamy natural taste of these pine nuts!