Uzhavan Unavu - Organic Traditional White rice, Pooni Kai Kuthal / Hand pound Rice-1kg
Quick Overview
Hand pound Rice , has become a fairly sought-after grain, especially because it provides a ton of health benefits and is considered superior to its more commonly consumed cousin, white rice. This rice is obtained by just removing the outer husk of the grain and is a part of the whole grain family. The nutrient dense bran and the germ layer of the grain is retained in this process, which is why it is a healthier option. It is also slightly chewier and has a nuttier flavour when compared to white rice. Many people also eat germinated brown rice, which is basically brown rice that has been soaked in water for some time before cooking. The following nutrients are found in whole grains,
· B vitamins, which are involved in many biological functions;
· Folate (folic acid), a B vitamin that helps the body form new cells and can prevent certain birth defects;
· Iron, a mineral that the body uses to carry oxygen in the blood;
· Magnesium, a mineral that is involved in more than 300 biological functions;
· Selenium, a mineral involved the immune system and regulating the thyroid gland.