Xcare Multipurpose Cleaning Gel Spray 100 ml x 2 pcs | Zipri.in
                      Xcare Multipurpose Cleaning Gel Spray 100 ml x 2   pcs

Xcare Multipurpose Cleaning Gel Spray 100 ml x 2 pcs

Quick Overview

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Multi-purpose Cleaning gel spray : Can be used 


to clean the TFT Display Screen, Notebook 


Screen, PDA Screen, Printer Screen, & CD/DVD 


Safely. There will be no Scratch or track Left & 


do not hurt the screen coat. Cleans Flat/ Normal 


Screen TV, Laptop Screen, PC Monitor, CD/DVD etc 


This LCD Cleaning Kit cleans Messy Finger 


Prints, Dirt and Dust, Stains etc. Won't damage 


to your screen and to maximize definition and 


brightness. Spray the liquid onto the cloth and 


wipe the dust, dirt and fingerprints away 


Ordinary cloth leaves scratches or small threads 


on the screen, but this kit contains special 


cloth which does not leaves any scratches on the 


screen. The Superfine fiber cloth was made with 


special special High Technology Process. Keep 


Clean your Laptop Screen.