Yellow sapphire Pukhraj 100 Original Gemstone pandents Sapphire Brass Pendant Gold-plated Stone Pendant
Quick Overview
Yellow Sapphire can also be worn as Pendant. Astrological Gemstone should be mounted in such a way that their bottom-tip should touch the Skin when worn. It should be worn on a Thursday, after Purifying the stone with Ganga-Jal or raw Cow-Milk.
The wearer of yellow sapphire gets the knowledge of the law, ethics, wit, wisdom, worldly happiness, physical power, cleverness, long life, good health, glory and mental peace, intelligence, good health, better behaviour and a long life.
According to Indian astrology, Pukhraj is most suitable for Sagittarius and Pisces sun signs or Dhanu and Meen rashi. According to Western astrology, Pukhraj is the birthstone of September borns and hence suitable for only Sagittarius sun signs.
Wear the ring on the index/first finger of the right hand. The weight of the stone should be ideal and preferably two carats or more. More the weight more is the power and effect of Pukhraj. Before wearing sit in the North, East, or Northeast position and on a yellow colored asana.
While men can wear it in their right hand, women can wear it in either of their hands. In case you don't want to wear it as a ring, you can also wear it as a pendant.