Young Forever Skin Whitening Cream
Quick Overview
Young Forever
The Ultimate Whitening Cream is for charming and fair complexion. It gives you the good looks you have always wanted with a complexion that is admirably youthful, radiant and fair.
Before applying the cream wash your face and neck with moisturize soap and then apply a very small portion of the cream when retiring at night. Do not rub just pat it on the surface sparingly and correctly.
After Applying the cream take rest minimum 6 to 8 hours. Wash off in the morning with moisturize soap. Continue using Young Forever Whitening cream until desired complexion and pinkish glowing skin is attained. If irritation occurs apply on alternate nights in the first week and then use every night.
For External Use
Charming and fair complexion
Whitens the skin
Removes dark spots, under eye darkness etc..
Relieves acne, wrinkles, blemishes, blotches, freckles etc..
Store in a cool and dry place
Freeze the box
Instructions for application of Young Forever The Ultimate whitening Cream :
For best results, our product should be used once a day preferably at night (leave it applied, at least for 6 hours) after washing the face with moisturizing soap so as to ensure that dirt, dust and grime are removed from the skin prior to applying the product.
Please avoid using BORE WATER for your face washes. Rest of the day you may use it.
Please apply the product gently without rubbing/massaging. The layer should be visible.
Visible Response Within Two Weeks:
Our product delivers a perceivable skin lightening to the consumers and help address other skin issues (such as sun related darkening, oily look, rough appearance & pigmentation of skin) which are all deterrent to perceiving fairness. Our product has been specially formulated to be effective on transient skin factors such as under-eye dark circles and post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation (marks left behind by pimples etc.).
Young Forever The Ultimate Whitening Cream has been tested & developed specifically to deliver fairness to the skin on the face & other parts of your body. It will definitely not harm, since its 100% safe & has no side effects.
The ingredients have been rigorously safety tested & then used in our formulation.The fact that we have been in the market for over 7yrs is a testament to our safety and efficacy.
Each person’s skin is unique. The extent & boundaries to which our product will lighten an individual’s skin is infinite. Our product ensures visible radiant fairness for all skin types & this takes merely 10 - 15 days approximately. Our product uses a synergistic combination of globally tested fairness ingredients & skin protection actives to gently & reversibly lighten the skin. In addition the skin quality is improved to give a lasting glow.
Guaranteed Instant Developments:
Reducing the appearance of dark circles
Minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Gentle application instantly reduces the look of puffiness
Hydrating to firm skin’s appearance
Renewing skin’s texture