Zenius B-Fit Oil for Helps to Impove Size Naturally
Quick Overview
Key Features - :
Benefits - 1.Natural : Herbal solution for safe and effective . 2.Skin Toning Benefits: Tones and rejuvenates the skin for a healthier appearance. 3.Formulation with Rare Herbs: Crafted with pure and rare herbs after extensive research. 4.Stimulates New Tissue Formation: Encourages the growth of new tissues. 5.Balances Estrogen Secretion: Promotes hormonal balance for overall health.
Additional Information- Assist in tone and improve the tissues of the s, Tightening and Lifting their s., Balance Female Hormones and increase Size., Enhances skin firmness to keep the toned., Nourishes and hydrates skin to increase skin elasticity., Balances Nutritional support for Care,
Ingredients - Satawar, Gambhari KI Chhal, Bala, Ashwagandha, Dadim Panchang, Grape Seed, Soyabean, Oilve Oil, Jajoba Oil.
DosageMassage gently on your target area 2 minutes before sleeping