Zenius Jaundice Care Capsule Useful in Jaundice Treatment
Quick Overview
Key Features - :
Benefits - 1.Liver Support: A natural aid for a healthier liver. 2.Jaundice Relief: Reduces yellowing symptoms effectively. 3.Herbal Formula: Crafted with beneficial herbs and nutrients. 4.Optimized Liver Function: Supports optimal liver performance. 5.Simpler Recovery: Choose Zenius for a straightforward path.
Additional Information- Bilirubin Control: These capsules can help your body manage bilirubin levels, which is essential for reducing jaundice symptoms., Reduced Swelling: Some formulations may help reduce swelling and inflammation in your liver, assisting in the healing process., Cleansing Effect: Jaundice Care Capsules can detoxify your liver, making it healthier and better at its job., Stronger Immunity: These capsules may boost your immune system, helping you fight off infections and recover more quickly.
Ingredients - Solanum nigrum, Rubia cordifolia, Valerina officinalis, Piper cubeba, Chena podium alibum, caccinia glauca, Peari, Nigella sativa
DosageTake 1 capsule twice a day with warm water or as directed by the physician
Batch number -:Zenius Jaundice Care Capsule