Zenius Weight Gain Powder Weight Gainer Supplement - Immunity Booster Supplements Mass Gainer Supplement
Quick Overview
Key Features - :
Benefits - 1.Optimal Body Composition: Supports body composition goals effectively. 2.Muscle Breakdown Reduction: Natural BCAAs minimize muscle breakdown during exercise. 3.Quick Absorption: Medium Chain Triglycerides for fast body absorption. 4.Comprehensive Recovery Blend: Advanced blend aids post-exercise recovery. 5.Versatile for All Ages: Recommended for various age groups.
Additional Information- Perfect for young athletes and hard gainers who want to increase their caloric and protein intake to gain weight fast! A high-calorie bodybuilding shake fortified with muscle building protein, carbohydrates, creatine monohydrate and essential nutrients.
Ingredients - Soya protein isolate, skimmed milk, protein, whey protein concentrate, malto dextrin, calcium citrate malate, Thickening agent, sweether, Anti caking agent, Vitamin and Mineral premix, L- Arginine, L-Lysine, BCCA, Color and Flavour.
DosageAdd 20-25gm headed scoops in 250ml of skimmed milk. Upon reconstitution, stir well and use promptly
Batch number -:WGP-1011