Cackle'S Ayurvedic Long Height 60 X 2 = 120 Capsule 900 No.S |
    			Cackle'S Ayurvedic Long Height 60 X 2 = 120 Capsule 900 No.S

Cackle'S Ayurvedic Long Height 60 X 2 = 120 Capsule 900 No.S

Quick Overview

Rs.472 on SnapdealBuy
  • Expiry Date:Oct-26
  • Cackle's
  • Metric Weight:no.s
  • Form:Capsule
  • Product Series:Ayurvedic Long Height 60 x 2 = 120
  • Product Qty:900
  • SUPC: SDL450336281
Other Details
Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly India
Common or Generic Name of the commodity General Ayush
Net Contents 2
Manufacturer's Name & Address G&G Pharmacal Ludhiana PB
Packer's Name & Address NA
Marketer's Name & Address
Importer's Name & Address Na