Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Wallpapers & More | Net Contents | 1 | Area Covered By 1 Roll (In Sqft) | 1.39 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | FLIPZONE & 70/1/1, VILLAGE MANGOL PUR KALAN, Landmark Nimbus Library, Sector -2, Mother dairy, Rohini DELHI 100085 | Packer's Name & Address | FLIPZONE & 70/1/1, VILLAGE MANGOL PUR KALAN, Landmark Nimbus Library, Sector -2, Mother dairy, Rohini DELHI 100085 | Marketer's Name & Address | | Importer's Name & Address | FLIPZONE & 70/1/1, VILLAGE MANGOL PUR KALAN, Landmark Nimbus Library, Sector -2, Mother dairy, Rohini DELHI 100085 | |