Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Sindoors & Bindis | Net Contents | 1 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Artsbury Beauty World Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.95, Sector 6, IMT Manesar Gurugram(Haryana) - 122052 | Size/Dimensions of the Commodity | 2*3.6*13cm | Packer's Name & Address | Planet Cosmo, 2nd Floor, G-27/2-3, Rohini Sector 7, Rohini Sector 3, New Delhi, North West Delhi, Delhi, 110085 | Marketer's Name & Address | | Importer's Name & Address | Planet Cosmo, 2nd Floor, G-27/2-3, Rohini Sector 7, Rohini Sector 3, New Delhi, North West Delhi, Delhi, 110085 | |