Other Details | Country of Origin or Manufacture or Assembly | India | BIS/ISI required | NA | Common or Generic Name of the commodity | Water Bottles | Net Contents | 1 | Manufacturer's Name & Address | Home Puff, M S INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS LIMITED UNIT-24/7, 7TH FLOOR, GOLDFIELD IND CENTRE, 1 SUI WO ROAD, FOTAN SHATIN, N.T. HONG KONG | Packer's Name & Address | M S INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS LIMITED UNIT-24/7, 7TH FLOOR, GOLDFIELD IND CENTRE, 1 SUI WO ROAD, FOTAN SHATIN, N.T. HONG KONG | BIS/ISI License number | NA | Marketer's Name & Address | Dionysus Consumer India Pvt Ltd, Block B2,Thane, Maharashtra, 421302 | Importer's Name & Address | R.C.C Godown No.H-3, Dharam Complex, Anjur Mankoli Road,Rahanal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane-421302 | |